Kathi Koll Foundation - General Placeholder

This week, I spoke at the Fullerton Rotary Club and got a number of questions from audience members about how I dealt with various issues after stroke.

One man asked us what we told people who were struggling with depression, which is a very common occurrence during recovery from a significant health crisis.

The first, and most important thing I tell patients and caregivers who are struggling with depression is: don’t ignore it.

Many of us can quickly slip into wishful thinking—that if we ignore a problem, it will go away on its own; or that by not admitting that a problem exists, it won’t!

The truth is that by acknowledging that you or your loved one is depressed is the first step toward getting better.

To start, I recommend that people call their doctor for guidance on the best solution for them, and put an action plan into place.

I’ve also found that by focusing on the positive things in life, such as the blessings that you have been given, you can start shifting your overall perspective for the better.

Lastly, setting small goals that you can begin achieving in a reasonable amount of time helps build confidence and faith that things can, and are getting better.

I would love to hear from you! Email me with any questions you have or topics you would like to see addressed.

Many Blessings,

Kathi Koll

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